Uncovering the world of operations.

Ariana Cofone has been an operator for over a decade, bringing a host of digital and physical products to market, while seamlessly managing all of the people, processes, and technology involved.

Her experience in the field became a guiding force behind founding Secret Ops to share the magic behind the way operators bring innovation and ideas to life.

Our Mission

To empower you become a top operator in business and life.

Our Method

We help you rethink what’s possible by sharing tools, strategies, and lessons from top operators around the world.

By shining a spotlight on their ideas and methodologies, we enable individuals to be more innovative and creative to positively impact their communities globally.

Our Values


Be receptive to new ideas, experiences, and ways of thinking.


Spark innovation by pursing the unknown on a daily basis.


Think outside the box and make whatever you do technicolor.


Define success by your ability to empower others.